How do I log in to the MotlowHUB?
When a student is accepted to Motlow State, a MotlowHUB account is generated for the student. This account is what allows you to access various services within Motlow State, including on-campus computers, your student email, D2L/Brightspace, your MyMotlow account, and more.
Your MotlowHUB Username
Your email address is generally in the style of first name initial + last name + two-digit birth month + two-digit birth date, followed by @mscc.edu. If a system asks for a username, leave off the @mscc.edu portion.
For John Doe, with the birthdate January 21, 1996
Email: JDoe0121@mscc.edu
Username: JDoe0121
Your MotlowHUB Password
Your first time password is in the style of your three-character birth month (with the first character capitalized) + pound (#) + the four-digit year of your birthdate + pound (#) + the last four digits of your social security number.
For John Doe, with the birthdate January 21, 1996 and social security number 123-45-9876
First Time Password: Jan#1996#9876
International Students / Students Without an SSN On File
If you are an international student or otherwise do not have a social security number on file, the last four digits in your password will be your Motlow State A number.
For John Doe, with the birthdate January 21, 1996 and Motlow A Number A00843945
First Time Password: Jan#1996#3945
Returning Students
If you are a returning student, your email address, username, and password will be the same one you used when you were an active student. If you do not remember your login credentials, please feel free to contact Technical Operations Support at support@mscc.edu to retrieve the information.
The Motlow State Application Portal
Once you have your login credentials handy, you can access the majority of Motlow State applications by going to MotlowHUB and log in. After logging into the Motlow State application portal for the first time, you'll be prompted for additional information for self service password resets, including a personal email, a phone number for calls and/or texts, and a security question. After you've finished the onboarding process, you'll see the Motlow State application portal.
Password Requirements
Password requirements at Motlow State apply to all accounts and must meet certain requirements. Passwords must be at least eight (8) characters long and contain at least three of the following four character types:
- An uppercase letter (e.g. "A", "B", "C")
- A lowercase letter (e.g. "a", "b", "c")
- A numeric digit (e.g. "1", "2", "3")
- A special character (e.g. "!", "@", "#")
Additionally, passwords should not match any of the following scenarios:
- Your username cannot be a part of your password.
- It's highly discouraged to have your first name or last name as a part of your password.
- Sequential patterns should not be a part of your password and is highly discouraged. (e.g. "abcdef", "12345", "qwerty")
Resetting Your Password
To reset your password, the preferred method is to go to https://sso.mscc.edu/signin/forgot-password and follow the prompts to have your password reset. However, if you are unable to follow the prompts, you will need to contact Technical Operations Support.
Technical Operations Support
For additional assistance, click Get Help.
When contacting Technical Operations Support for a password reset, agents will always request the following information for verification purposes:
- Your full name
- Your Motlow State A#
- Your date of birth
- A valid telephone number registered to your account
Technical Operations Support only uses this info to verify the identity of the individual contacting the support channel. Once information is verified, we are able to issue temporary, one-time passwords.