Document Scanning


There have been a number of questions as to how users should be scanning documents.

Currently, employee computers are set up in one of two ways:

  1. Software can be installed for users to scan onto your computer and then saved to the appropriate location (such as a shared drive)
  2. OR Software can be installed for users to scan in Banner (called either BDM or Application Extender) and this will upload the document into the Banner system.

It is NOT possible to have both software packages installed and running to do both.  Here's why:

  • When we were mandated by TBR to move from Banner 8 to Banner 9, Administrative Computing had to upgrade the Application Extender software (BDM) to the version we are currently on (16.3).  At that point, we had to deploy a new piece of software for the scanners on campus to interface with the new version of Application Extender called Captiva Cloud.  Since that point, anytime a user goes to scan a document (whether that is scanning to the desktop OR scanning into Banner directly), the Captiva Cloud software either recognizes that the scanner is still in use by another program (if the user first scanned using the desktop software) or scans the document fine but won’t release the scanner when completed.

For users who need to scan documents that need to go on both a shared drive and uploaded it to Banner, there is a work around that will allow you to do both while only scanning the document 1 time.  For this to work, you will need to be setup to scan to your desktop only:

  1. Launch the ScandallPro applicationUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. Scan your document.  When scanning is completed, it should save to your designated locationUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    1. If you don't remember your default location you can find it by clicking the following:Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. Now let's go into Banner and upload this document into BDM / Application ExtenderUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. I've gone into SPAIDEN and pulled up my account for this example.  Click the ADD buttonUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  5. Click ImportUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  6. On the next window, select Choose Files
  7. Go to the folder where your scans are saved and select the document(s) you wish to upload then click Open
  8. Lastly, click the Upload buttonUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  9. You can see that the document uploaded and is now visibleUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  10. Now simply complete the information and click SaveUploaded Image (Thumbnail)

We may need to do some additional setup to your device for you to have this functionality as most devices are setup to scan into Banner (BDM / AppXtender) by default



Article ID: 23412
Tue 12/10/24 11:07 AM
Wed 12/11/24 11:43 AM