Editing a Locally Created Outlook Group on Office 2021


  1. To remove a user from a group you created, select the group that needs to be edited in the menu on the left
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  2. Select the Home tab at the top of Outlook and click "Group Settings"
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  3. A menu should appear with 3 options available.  Click on "Edit Group"
  4. You should now see a window open where you can change group name, description, add users to the Group, and remove current users.
  5. If you highlight the user you wish to remove, you should see a red "X' out to the right of the name.  Simply click that to remove the user
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  6. Above that section, you will see a box called "Add People".  Simply type the person's name into that box and it should display name and title.  Click it
    to add the users to the group.  Finally click "OK" in the bottom right corner to confirm the changes.
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Article ID: 17463
Tue 11/28/23 12:37 PM
Wed 12/11/24 11:41 AM