Workaround: Opening CID Links in LISTSERV Emails


If you receive the following errors when clicking on links inside a LISTSERV email, please follow the workaround described below.

LISTSERV emails have EML attachments that correspond with all of the CID links. For every subject line in the email, there is an attachment that has the same subject line. You should be able to open the attachment to be able to read the conversations. See the picture below for more information.

Unfortunately, Microsoft seems to have deprecated using CID links in Outlook with newer versions of the program. At the moment, this is the only way to read LISTSERV-style email addresses. If Technical Operations learns of any way to restore the original functionality of CID links, we will document it here. 


Article ID: 11937
Wed 1/25/23 3:12 PM
Thu 12/21/23 8:51 AM