What are these warnings at the top of email messages?

Technical Operations implements several warnings that are automatically applied to emails based on criteria. This is to assist in making everyone aware of potentially phishy or spammy emails.

Impersonation Attempts

Emails can be prepended with the Impersonation Attempt notice. This means that our automated system detected one of the following issues with the email:

  • The sender attempted to have their display name look like a Motlow State email address without authorizaton.
  • The sender attempted to have their email address look like a Motlow State email address without authorization.

An example of an email that would match this rule is below. Note that the sender looks like mscc.edu but the actual email address is not a Motlow State email.

D2L Internal Messages

Emails can be prepended with the D2L Internal Email notice. This means that our automated system detected that the email was sent from an @d2l.mscc.edu email address. An example of an email that would match this rule is below. Note that the sender is from d2l.mscc.edu.

Why can I not reply back to a D2L Internal Message via Outlook?

Unfortunately, the @d2l.mscc.edu addresses are not available to the public and are only seen when emailing via D2L's email system. We have no way to fix this issue at this time, so the message is there as a reminder to log into D2L and reply if needed.


Article ID: 11913
Wed 1/25/23 11:04 AM
Thu 12/21/23 9:05 AM